Monday 27 January 2014


Transmission Company of Nigeria says parts of the country will experience power shortages from today to Wednesday, this week.
This is due to planned repair work on the Shiroro Power Station.
TCN’s General Manager (Public Relations), Mrs Seun Olagunju, said in a statement yesterday that the “unavoidable shutdown’’ would lead to a drop in power supply to parts of the country for three days.

She quoted the Shiroro Power Plc as explaining that the shutdown was to enable the station’s engineers rectify ground fault on the station’s Carbon Dioxide Control Panel. The panel provides vital auxiliary services necessary for the running of the power plant.
During the period of the shutdown, grid generation would reduce by 300Mega Watts, leading to the nationwide load-shedding.   TCN said the impact of the load-shedding would be higher in the Northern axis of the country, especially Kano.

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