Friday 17 January 2014


Delta State Governor, Dr. Emmanuel Uduaghan has inaugurated a task force on Ground Rent Collection with a charge to  deltans to pay their taxes promptly so as to sustain the improved economic growth in the state.
Governor Uduaghan who stated this yesterday (17-1-14) during the Inauguration ceremony of the Task Force on House to House Ground Rent Collection in Asaba said that “ the state government is determined to eradicated poverty and sustain economic growth through infrastructural renewal and development”. 
The governor  observed that the focus of the state in inaugurating the task force was to improve on the level of property tax compliance and charged members of the task force to genuinely collect the tax and remit all money collected to the state coffers.
According to him “l ask you to contribute your quota to support the government, this task imposes a responsibility of going out to collect this money genuinely and remit it to the coffers of the state government.”
He charged Deltans to pay their taxes voluntarily as at when due adding that the revenue would have a multiplier effect on both the micro and macro economies of the state and boost individual prosperity.
According to him,  “since taxation is the principal source of government revenue, the prosperity of our state and our citizens depends greatly on the nature of revenue and the efficiency of collection”.
The Governor who was represented by the Secretary to the State Government, Comrade Ovuozorie Macaulay said that revenue was the bedrock upon which government would deliver on its electoral promises to the people and sustain its growing economy and appealed to Deltans to support the initiative.
He emphasised that the state government’s tax policy was geared towards significantly improving the quality of life of its citizens without imposing excessive burden on them thereby creating a platform for promoting a healthier and more prosperous citizenry.
In a welcome address, the Commissioner for Lands, Survey and Urban Development, Sir Patrick Ferife explained that the ground rents was a form of tax imposed on land users to generate revenue stressing that the rationale behind the payments was to buttress the reversionary interest and supervisory role of government over every land resource in the state.
 Sir Ferife said that the Ministry of Lands and Survey in collaboration with the State Board of Internal Revenue set up the task force with a mandate  to collect and pay into government coffers all ground rents  paid by landlords in the state.
The commissioner disclosed that the ground rent payment was due on the 1st of January of every year adding that failure to pay within the period of 90 days would result to lawful revocation of the Certificate of Occupancy of the said land by the State Governor.
Responding The Chairman of the Task Force Chief Barr. Frank Nwugo commended Governor Uduaghan for the opportunity given them to serve the state and promised the governor that the committee would do its best to carry out their responsibilities effectively. (DELTA GVT. P.R.)

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